Gym Rules Server Admin August 15, 2024

Gym Rules

Payments for each session are due the first week of each session.

Please be sure to list your email address on your registration form!!

Late payments will receive a late fee of $10 for payments 1-week overdue. This fee will increase by $5 for each additional week that the payment is not received.

Registering for a class at CCGC is easy! We allow ongoing registration throughout the year. Our classes run on a 36-week schedule. This 36-week schedule is broken up into 6 terms. You may begin classes at anytime during the year. You may pay for the school year in full (receive 10% discount if paid by Sept. 30), or you may pay per session.

Because our programs are continuous, we assume that you will continue each term. You must tell us in writing if you are canceling. You are always welcome to come back at anytime, and your registration fee holds a space in a class for your child. Because you are a member, you may continue to attend open gym throughout the year!

Pro-rating and Make-up Days:
If you join a class during week 4 you will be pro-rated for the 3 classes you missed. If you join prior to week 4 it will be your responsibility to make up your child’s missed classes in another appropriate class. You may call for availability, and schedule a make-up class. We do not offer official make-up days for non-holiday, personal, missed classes. If your class day falls on a day that we are closed due to a holiday, then we will make every attempt to offer a make-up day for these students. Please stop by the front desk or call for the official make-up day information.

In order for our staff to teach your child properly, we do not encourage observation. You may certainly stay at CCG during your child’s class, but we ask that you remain in the lobby/waiting room area. PARENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE GYM!!!!! YOU ARE NOT COVERED BY OUR INSURANCE!!!

Gym Rules:

  • Gymnasts should wear clothing in which they can move freely – a leotard or shorts and t-shirt.
  • Barefeet are best. Please avoid socks and footed tights. No shoes are allowed in the gym.
  • Long hair should be tied back securely.
  • No jewelry.
  • If you arrive early for class, please stay in lobby area. Children are not allowed in the gym without an instructor.
  • Please come into the lobby to pick up your child after class. We do not allow kids outside the gym without a parent/guardian.
  • Class cancellations due to foul weather will be decided the morning of the day of your class. Please call in and listen to our voice mail to find out if your class will be held. We do not always close when the schools are closed.
  • Late payments will receive a late fee of $10 for payments 2-weeks overdue. This fee will increase by $5 for each additional week that the payment is not received.
  • Each gymnast may participate in our End of the Year Shows, held in May, as long as you remain active through session 6. If you drop prior to session 6 or you have an outstanding balance, your child cannot be part of the show.



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