Pre-Team Programs Server Admin August 20, 2024

Pre-Teams at CCG

Does your child want more than one gymnastics class per week? Does she constantly flip and tumble around your house? Do you wonder if she has the potential to be a competitive gymnast?

CCG offers two different pre-team classes depending on a child’s age.

Mighty Munchkins Program: children ages 5 and 6 are invited (by a coach) to attend 2, 1-hour gymnastics classes per week. This is our youngest pre-team program. These children will move into the D.P. Pre-Team at ages 6 plus. This class focuses on FUN first with targeted progressions, strength and flexibility activities that build a strong, confident gymnast who has a basic skill set on each event.

The Developmental Program Pre-Team is for children ages 6 to 7 year olds to continue their path towards the competitive gymnastics program. Children will participate in class 2 times per week for 1.5-hours/class. This is also by invite from a coach. Children in this class may do 2 years of pre-team before they are ready to join the competitive D.P. team as level 3’s.

The Xcel Pre-Team Program is for girls ages 8 plus who want to begin their competitive gymnastics career. Gymnasts will attend 2 classes per week for 1.5-hours each. They may participate in pre-team for 2 years before being asked to join the Bronze level competitive team program.

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